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Express Entry

Effective January 1, 2015, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) launched a new electronic system called Express Entry to manage applications for permanent residence under these federal economic immigration programs: The Express Entry system has two steps: Potential candidates will complete an online Express Entry profile. This is a secure form that will be used to provide information about applicants: Skills Those who meet the criteria of one of the federal immigration programs listed above will be accepted into a Express Entry pool of candidates.

Anyone who does not already have a job offer supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) (if you need one), or a nomination from a province or territory, must register with

Employment and Social Development Canada´s (ESDC) Job Bank. Job Bank will help connect Express Entry candidates with eligible employers in Canada.

Candidates are also encouraged to promote themselves to employers in other ways, such as using job boards, recruiters etc.

In most cases when there is a job being offered to a candidate, employers will need an LMIA from ESDC. The LMIA process ensures employers have made an effort to hire Canadians for available jobs. There will be no LMIA fee for permanent resident applications.

Candidates with the highest ranking scores will be invited to apply (ITA) Draws to invite candidates to apply are expected to take place at regular intervals over the course of each year. If candidate is invited to apply, candidate will have 60 days to submit a complete Application for Permanent Residence online. Candidates invited to apply for PR will be processed in less than 6 months.

The first draw for an invitation to apply is planned for the last week of January. Applications for permanent residence will be processed in six months or less for applicants who has received an Invitation to Apply from CIC.

Best Care Immigration Canada will assist candidates from submitting the online application to be included on the express entry pool. Have your application for permanent residence be on the hands of Immigration Professionals to avoid misrepresentation. We are here to help you throughout the application process, from express entry profile submission until you attain your permanent residence status.
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